Cowboy Rain Boots: A gift to me, Shirt: Anthropologie
Blue Jeans: Target, Sweater: Forever 21
When you get your heart broken, you feel like you want have
a time-out from the world or if you were a turtle, you would want to hide in
your shell for a little while. I know that right now you feel so fragile like a
glass doll; one blow and you shatter. But it is very important to make that
first step to go out into the world. You may not realize that you have people
around you that care for you and that love you. These people will want to help
you in any way they can, if they truly love you. You also need to know that it
is okay to open up to people and be vulnerable with them because that is what
friends are for. You may feel like what you are sharing is repetitive, but
that’s okay. You need to vent it out and your friends will need to understand
that. It is going to take time to heal, but I know you can. If your ex wants to
be friends after you guys break up, you can do that, but only when you are
feeling ready. As for getting back together, really think about whether or not
you would be living in the past and whether or not it’s worth it. It’s okay to wallow, feel angry, or analyze.
In fact, you will probably go through all those emotions and that is totally
normal. Don’t forget that you have people that love you though and you can
share this with them. They will listen, I promise. I made a poem which is
actually a combination of songs that explains that it is okay and it will heal
in time:
You don’t deserve my tears,
I guess that’s why they ain’t there,
It’s alright, it’s okay
It’s going to hurt when it heals too.
It’ll all get better in time.
I’m going to smile because I deserve to.
Since there is no more you and me, I going to let you go so
I can be free.
Also, Mariah Carey’s song
gives you a good picture of how to make it through the rain when you are